We think this post from Luxurious Wedding Etiquette & Protocol is an important message for all brides to read. In all the hustle and bustle of the wedding planning frenzy, we want you to remember how important your guests are. It is a tribute to you and an honor when invited guests join in the celebration of your love and union. Their acceptance of your invitation puts them in a very special category. As with any guest invited to your home, you must treat your wedding guests with the same graciousness . You have extended an invitation, therefore, you are responsible for their comfort and enjoyment. Yes, it is true, you are the star and they are your audience; but the enjoyment your guests experience will ultimately determine the success of your wedding. During your wedding planning, peak out from under your veil of excitement for a moment and imagine how you would feel attending your wedding as a guest. Put yourself in their place and visualize what they might encounter from the m...
A Luxury Wedding Blog dedicated to the aesthetic of wedding bling and decor.